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PubHubs is a new public value driven social network.

PubHubs is the name for a new Dutch community network, based on public values. Pubhubs stands for Public Hubs. It is open and transparent and protects data of the network’s participants.
PubHubs aims to connect people, in different hubs, such as your family, sports club, school class, museum, local library, neighborhood or municipality. In each such hub, a relevant part of one’s own identity plays a role. PubHubs focuses on reliable information, if necessary with digital signatures, and on trusted communication, if necessary with guarantees of the identity of participants.

PubHubs’ starting point is a cooperation between two professors in the digital world: José van Dijck and Bart Jacobs. They are both winners of the prestigious Spinoza and Stevin awards in 2021. They spend part of the prize on the development of PubHubs. The organisation Public Spaces, a cooperation between cultural and broadcasting organisations is closely involved.

The Pubhubs project started in november 2021 with the (open source) development of its own network based on Matrix. In addition, a PubHubs community is being formed to collect requirements and develop a governance infrastructure. The PubHubs’ focus is on parties with an active contribution to public values in the digital world.

Do you as individual or organisation wish to contribute to PubHubs, or do you have questions, feel free to contact us: contact@pubhubs.net

Also for more information about pubhubs visit: pubhubs.net

Interdiciplinary research hub on digitalization and society